IPL Skin Treatments
What is IPL – Intense Pulsed Light Treatment?
IPL is a non-invasive light-based technology used to remove and improve many skin conditions. Such conditions as age spots, sun spots, freckles, superficial capillaries and other unsightly discolouration of the skin can be eliminated using this technology. IPL is also incredibly effective for those of us who suffer from facial redness and can even stimulate fibroblast causing increased collagen production in your skin for a more natural, lively, healthier looking you!
Skin Tone Correction
Whether born with them or acquired over the course of a lifetime, virtually everyone has one or more sun spots, freckles or skin discolouration they’d love to get rid of! A doctor’s letter confirming that no skin cancers are present is usually required before commencing your treatment cycle and a series of 4 – 6 treatments spaced 4 weeks apart are required for optimal results. Treatments areas such as backs of hands, forearms, décolletage and face will respond well.

Rejuvenation Treatment
Everybody loves the sunshine! Limited exposure is good for the soul and the immediate effects it has on the skin such as a tan and healthy glow are much desired. However, in the long term, sun exposure decreases the production of collagen, which in turn causes damage to the skin making it feel wrinkled and coarse and looking red and tired. Skin rejuvenation treatments will improve skin tone, texture, refine and refresh the skin by increasing the production of collagen in the skin.

Redness Reduction
Estimates indicate that unsightly veins are a common problem for more than 60% of the adult population! The treatments will reduce facial blemishes such as red flushing and red spots found on cheeks and around the nose with minimal downtime or risk. A treatment cycle of 4 – 6 treatments spaced two to three weeks apart is usually required to reach your best possible outcome.

Skin Clearing
These unique treatments are designed to specifically slow the overall production of oil that leads to acne, thus dramatically reducing the chance of spots and minimising the appearance of pores in general. Results will vary, but most people will see a significant improvement in skin condition. Treatment should be spaced approximately 1 – 2 weeks apart.

Ipl SKin therapy prices
Consult and patch test
Spot treatment
Half Face
Full face
Upper or lower back
Lower arms (incl hands)
Full arms (incl hands)
$49 **